I've been a writer since before I knew how to spell.
I've been publishing online since 2004, through the rise and fall of blogging. I put the "free" in "freelancing" back when exposure was the best currency.
I currently write and edit for Yahoo Lifestyle, previously CNET and Milwaukee Magazine. You can read more of my nonfiction work here.
I have a bachelors degree from Marquette University in Writing Intensive English, with a thus-far useless minor in Speech Pathology & Audiology. I also earned a masters degree in fiction writing from UW-Milwaukee. You can read more about my fiction writing here.
I am currently seeking representation for my debut novel, Hello World, speculative literary fiction about a group of people living within a simulation entirely optimized to their preferences, and what happens when a series of strange glitches begin to reveal the true cost of getting everything you ever wanted.